
Water is one of the five elements recognised by early natural philosophers, as it was created before the genesis of mankind in this universe. Water sustains the essence of existence. Water formed an essential pre-requisite in the history of creation and has ever since been a source of life at large. Just open your eyes and take a look around - Clouds, Rivers, Streams, Seas, Oceans, Rain, Lakes, Waterfalls, Dew, Mist, Steam, Human Body or any kind of Industry, water is everywhere.

For continued animated or vegetative existence depends on water. Water is too precious a source for us to neglect or destroy, as it forms the basis of conscious existence. Water has a high specific heat index. This means that water can absorb a lot of heat before it begins to get hot. That is why water is valuable to industries.

Any industrial use, water plays a great role as the coolant for machinery whereas COOLING TOWER is an essential device for reducing the temperature of water by bringing it into contact with an air stream. As they have to work consistently for years in various kinds of atmosphere and tropical conditions, COOLING TOWERS have to be of high quality.

DELTA COOLING TOWERS P. LTD. is a name of repute with a proven track record in quality and performance. DELTA has been catering to the industry for past 2 decades.

Products & Services

Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.

Aluminium Fan * Belt Conveyors * Branch And Sprinkler Pipe * Cooling Tower Spare Parts * Cooling Towers * Cooling Towers Fans * Frp Cooling Towers * Frp Cuboid Cooling Towers * Frp Fan * Loose Poly Propylene Splash Pack Fills (Lps) * Non Chemical Water Treatment Device * P. P. Polythene Nylon Brass And Bronze Nozzels * Pvc Honey Comb Eliminators * Pvc Honey Comb Fills * Special Water Proof Motor With Extended Shaft * Frp (Cooling Towers Mfgrs. ) * Cooling (Cooling Towers Mfgrs. ) * Plastic Fabrications (Cooling Towers Mfgrs. )