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Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.



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For prevention of dusting in plants by trapping of dust at various dust generation sources and collecting the dust at a centralized location

Key Features:

Compact and efficient hood design to suit the esthetics of the plant interiors
No setting of dust in the ducts
Facility for easy and quick cleaning of ducts
Automatic pulse-jet of filter bags
Complete system layout done to suit user's existing plant & equipment

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Automatic Coating Machinery, Belt Conveyors Systems, Bulk Drug, Bulk Drug Mfgrs, Cap Transfer System (Cap Blower), Coating Pan, Communiting Mill, Compact Powder Transfer Systems, Conical Mill, Conical Mills, Continous Flow Mixers, Conveyor, Cryst Mill, Cryst Mill And Conical Mill, Crystallisers, Drug, Drugs, Drum Blender, Drum Mixers, Farmulation, Formulation, Intermediate Batch Container (Ibc), Lifting And Tilting Devices, Lifting Devices, Lump Breakers, Magnetic Conveyors Systems, Magnetic Crown Elevator, Mechanical Sifter, Mechanical Sifters, Mixer And Blender, Mixing Tank, Multi Mill, Other Products, Paddle Mixers, Paste Kettle, Pharma, Pharma Machinery, Pharmaceutical Machinery, Pin Mills, Planetary Mixer, Planetary Mixers, Plants, Pneumatic Cap Conveyors Systems, Powder Transfer System, Radler Conveyors, Research Labs, Roll Compactor, Screw Conveyors, Screw Conveyors Systems, Sifters, Sifting And Sizing Equipments, Sifting Equipments, Sizing Equipments, Sterile Drum Blender, Sterilise In Place Reactors, Tilting Devices, Turbo Sifter, V Blenders, Vaccum Double Cone Blender, Vertical Drum Blender, Vibro Sifter, Vibro Sifters