Scroll Chiller
With our rich experience in this domain, our enterprise is engaged in providing the finest quality Scroll Chiller. This chiller is used for chilling purposes in various industries such as chemical, food, pharmaceutical industries and so on. Our offered chiller is microprocessor based and is suitable for the cooling applications starting from 20oC up to (-) 15oC in general. We offer this Scroll Chiller in various technical specifications in order to meet all the chilling need of the clients.
- High durability
- Long service life
- Easy operations
- Compact design
Scroll Chiller
- Both Air/Water cooled versions
- Capacity TR-100 TR (up to -30 c)
- Available with R-22 /R-407C /R-404A /R-134A gases
- Space efficient design and minimum maintenance
- Manufactured wit latest international standards
- Copeland / Danfoss / Bitzer compressors