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The Mini oven 04 provides a fully-fledged reflow environment in a very compact form. This tabletop equipment is ideal for Pre-Bumping of QFNs and also for Reballing of BGAs and CSPs. Perfect temperature management is foremost. The efficient hot gas circulation ensures optimal heating of the component and a controlled reflow process. For especially stringent demands for the highest soldering quality the Mini oven is also available with a gas connection for processing gases, such as nitrogen, argon and formic.The Mini oven is controlled via an intuitive menu from the display. Up to 99 profiles, through the system software component specifically adjusted, can be stored. 

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Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Automatic Pick And Place Machines, Bed Of Nail Tester, Connecting Conveyor, Flying Probe Tester, High Performance Solder Paste Printer, High Performance Solder Paste Printers, Hotbeam Family Underheater, In Line Aoi, Minioven, Off Line Aoi, Pcb Assembly Consumable And Equipment, Pcb Depaneling Routers, Pcb Inspection System, Pcb Loading System, Pcb Unloading System, Power Functional Tester, Products, Reflow Soldering Machine, Rework Station, Rework Station Expert, Selective Soldering Machine, Wave Soldering System