Products & Services

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Process Calibration

avante offers wide range of Test & Measurement Solutions for Industrial Maintenance, Process Calibration, Electronic Manufacturing, Design, Repair, Predictive Maintenance, Solar PV plant installation, O&M, Education and R&D. We offer solutions from various world renowned Brands. We look forward to adding more to our range of Industrial Solutions. 

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Solar Pv Plant Installation

Description / Specification of Solar Pv Plant Installation

We are involved in offering a wide range of Solar Pv Plant Installation to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Solar Pv Plant Installation. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

  1. Sturdy design
  2. Highly durable
  3. Application specific design 
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Non Sparking Tools

Facom offer non sparking tools made from Cu-Br which can be used in all groups like (I, IIA,IIB,IIC).Moreover Cu-Br tools have more hardness than Al-Br tools which provide better performance as well longer life. Cu-Br is non magnetic hence they are suitable for non magnetic applications as well.  The tools available include spanners, hammers, screwdrivers, sockets, chisel, saw blade etc.

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Insulated Tools

Offers wide range of insulated tools which are used in applications requiring working on live circuits. Tools are certified for use on 1000V AC/1500V DC. Wide range of assorted tools as well as complete tools kits are available

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Mechanics Tools

Description / Specification of Mechanics Tools

We are involved in offering a wide range of Mechanics Tools to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Mechanics Tools. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

  1. Sturdy design
  2. Highly durable
  3. Application specific design 
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Mppt Charge Controllers

Morningstar’s TriStar MPPT 600V charge controller (TS-MPPT-600V) is a brand new addition to our world-leading TriStar MPPT solar controller family, which was first introduced in 2009 and has become the MPPT controller of choice for many large, global, off-grid PV applications. The TS-MPPT-600V leverages Morningstar’s innovative TrakStar™ MPPT technology and our 20+ years of power electronics engineering excellence, to deliver the widest PV input operating voltage range available in a PV controller. Morningstar’s TrakStar MPPT technology enables the TriStar MPPT 600V charge controller to harvest the maximum energy from the solar array or wind turbine. The high-speed sweeping algorithm minimizes power loss and provides full visibility of the entire power curve from open circuit to battery voltage; ensuring the maximum power point is chosen under all ambient conditions. The TriStar MPPT 600V charge controller uses advanced power electronics to efficiently utilize up to 600 Voc (open circuit voltage) PV or wind to charge 48 Vdc battery systems. Rated for 60 Amps, our TriStar MPPT 600V controller does much more than efficiently charge batteries; it also provides remote communications, data logging, adjustability and metering. In fact, the TriStar MPPT 600V controller is the only 600-volt PV controller to offer open communication protocols and true Ethernet-enabled functionality. The TriStar MPPT 600V charge controller may be purchased with or without a pre-wired DC Disconnect Box. The pre-wired DC Disconnect Box version (model TS-MPPT-60-600V-48-DB) is acceptable for use with positively-grounded or negatively-grounded PV systems and helps to save on installation time and cost. Key Features & Benefits Morningstar’s products are built from the inside out to deliver more than twice the industry average operating life. The TriStar MPPT 600V charge controller delivers high reliability and excellent performance and features: The industry’s best-in-class power efficiency. Morningstar’s advanced 4-stage charging algorithm to optimize battery health Robust thermal, mechanical and electrical design Environmentally optimized and equipped with extensive electronic protections Industry standard open communication protocols and interfaces for system networking, monitoring and communications Superior lightning protection from nearby lightning-induced voltage/current spikes Applications The TriStar MPPT 600V charge controller’s high voltage capability and flexible design enable several application scenarios including: Off-grid PV systems greater than 150 Voc with long wire runs from the array to the controller New installation grid-tie PV systems with battery back-up Retrofitting string PV inverter systems to later add battery back-up without changing the PV array configuration Battery-based Wind systems

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Led Light Testing

Description / Specification of Led Light Testing

We are involved in offering a wide range of Led Light Testing to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Led Light Testing. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

  1. Sturdy design
  2. Highly durable
  3. Application specific design 
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High Voltage Tester Cum Ground Bond Tester

The LED lights need to undergo various High Voltage Test to verify safety aspects. The tests include AC/DC breakdown test, HV withstanding Test, Leakage current, Insulation resistance testing and Ground Bond Testing. GPT-9804 can conduct all these test. The equipment has step function, timer and automatic sequence testing. Single device can take care of all the above tests. Cost effective HV tester from GW Instek also available.

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Ac Power Meter

AC powermeter is used for verification of various power parameters like voltage, current drawn, power factor, Total Harmonic distortion when LED Light is powered. This is critical for verification of power parameters of light as per specifications. This is required during design stage as well as quality assurance.

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Thermal Imagers

The LED lights dissipation of heat is very critical for trouble free operation. Thermal Imagers can help in studying the flow of heat and pin pointing the hot spots in the light. By studying the images you can easily pin point the trouble area for necessary rectification. Also it helps to study difference in temperature (Delta T) of various LEDs in a fixture under operational condition.  Very versatile device for R&D and quality assurance of final product

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Electronic Dc Load

Electronic DC loads are used for performance testing of LED drivers by simulating the various load conditions in dynamic manner. In combination of AC Power source various power conditions can be simulated and load simulates LED which can help in studying performance of driver units.

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Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Digital Storage oscilloscope is required to study the various waveforms in LED light and driver circuits. This is a very important instrument for pin pointing source of faults which may manifest in some other fashion 

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Miscellaneous Lab Instruments

The setup for LED light requires general purpose instruments like DC Power Supplies, Bench Top DMMs, Hand Held DMMs, LCR Meters, Luxmeters, Led Light Meters for general testing. We offer wide range of above instruments   

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Humidity Tester

TM 183P Temperature/Humidity Tester

Dual display of Temperature & Humidity

Dew Point & Wet Bulb Measurement

Detachable probe sensor for easy positioning

Min/Max/AVG recording

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Humidity Datalogger

TM 305U Temperature/Humidity Datalogger

50,000 Record Memory inbuilt . 

USB connectivity to PC for download & setting

Waterproof IP 65

Hi-Low alarm setting using PC

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Hot Wire Anemometer

TM-4001 Hot Wire Anemometer

Air Flow Volume, Temperature Measurement

Telescopic Probe, LCD Triple display

Humidity, Dew Point, Wet Bulb Measurement in TM-4002

99 Record Memory, Data Hold, Min/Max function

Velocity units settable in  m/s, ft/min, knots, km/hr, mph

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Noise Dose Meter

ST- 130 Noise Dose Meter

Performs OSHA and IEC Noise accumulation surveys

Six inbuilt standard setups : OSHA, MSHA, DOD, ACGIH, ISO85 , ISO90

Log upto 1 million readings,  Stores upto 10,000 dose meter results

USB Interface

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Sound Level Meter

TM 102 Sound Level Meter

Test Range 30 to 130 dB,  Max/Min

According to standard EN61672 Type 2

Frequency Weighting  A , C

Time Weighting  Fast, Slow

Dynamic range 50dB, Resolution 0.01 dB

Frequency Range 31.5 Hz to 8KHz

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Lux Meter

TM 202  Lux Meter

Intensity of Illumination in Lux or Foot-candle

Sensor Silicon photo diode and filter

Min/Max/Data Hold, Zero Adjustment, DC Analog O/P

Display range 0.01 Lux to 2000,00 Lux

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Solar Power Meter

TM-207  Solar Power Meter

Measures in Watts/m sq or BTU

Solar Radiation Measurement.  Resolution 0.1

Model with inbuilt sensor TM-206 also available

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Multi Field Emf Meter

 TM-190 Multi Field EMF Meter

TFT Colour Display,  3 measurement in one

3 axis Electromagnetic field, AC Electric Field, RF Strength Field

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Dual Channel Thermometer

 TM 82N  Dual Channel Thermometer

Dual Input, K & J Type Thermo couples

Min/Max, AVG, Hold, REL, Offset, T1-T2 function keys

Bead Type K probes included

Optional Probes available

Display Resolution  0.1 C  (0.2 F)

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Vane Type Anemometer

 TM-416 Vane Type Anemometer

Measures air flow, Temp, Humidity and Pressure

Inbuilt 99 memory for saving data

45 mm Plastic vane

Other models available

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Carbon Monoxide Meter

TM-801 Carbon Monoxide Meter

Measures CO levels upto 1000 ppm

Dual display of CO and Temperature

Adjustable alarm function

Ac Power Meter * Carbon Monoxide Meter * Digital Multi Meters * Digital Power Meters * Digital Storage Oscilloscope * Dual Channel Thermometer * Electronic Dc Load * Electronic Transducers * High Voltage Tester Cum Ground Bond Tester * Hot Wire Anemometer * Humidity Datalogger * Humidity Tester * Insulated Tools * Led Light Testing * Load Cell * Lux Meter * Mechanics Tools * Miscellaneous Lab Instruments * Mppt Charge Controllers * Multi Field Emf Meter * Multi Meters * Noise Dose Meter * Non Sparking Tools * Power Factor Meter * Power Meters * Pressure Transducers * Process Calibration * Solar Power Meter * Solar Pv Plant Installation * Sound Level Meter * Thermal Imagers * Transducers * Vane Type Anemometer