Drinking Water
[Drinking Water]
Here is a glass of pristine untreated water. You do not see the colonies of pathogens which lurk in it. A soup of spores, bacteria, viruses, yeasts which cause Typhoid diphtheria, dysentery, cholera and many more terrible diseases.
Even today, 80% of world sickness is due to contaminated water. To avoid such dreadful scourges, you have to take much care of the water you drink.
Ozone is a natural purifier, disinfectant and sterilizer. It puts a permanent end to your worries. Ozonation is the best and safest method of purifying water, not only the fastest but the only one which is thorough and yet does not create new contaminants, whereas Chlorine is a mutagenic agent and a cancer promoter.
Ozone not only disinfects water but also removes odours, unpleasant tastes, heavy metals and toxic substances etc. it completely destroys bacteria, viruses, spores and does not leaves any toxic by-products. It is the Master Purifier. According to EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Ozone is the most effective major disinfectant available for drinking water.
Chlorine has its place only where ozone cannot go, ie where there is no power or where people cannot afford the equipment.
Mineral Plants
- A natural mineral water may contain manganese, arsenic, iron or fluoride in concentrations above the admissible values for drinking water.
- Mineral water must be free of pathogenic germs (Escherichia coli, coliforms, etc) and environmental contaminants, including pesticides yet it must contain minerals! R.O water drains your body off its minerals.
- Pesticides are also found in bottled water!
Drink the purest water thanks to “OZONE”.
The Power of the Master Oxidant Ozone:
- Destroys completely bacteria, viruses, and spores.
- Does not leave any toxic by-products.
- Reduces concentration of manganese, iron, arsenic, to within the norms.
- Removes odours and unpleasant tastes, heavy metals and toxic substances, even pesticides
Occurrence of halogens was not observed after ozone oxidation and filtration through activated carbon. A water plant using ozonation can completely dispense with chlorine.
Ozone sterilizes the bottle, cap and air space in the bottle ensuring a longer shelf life for mineral water.
There are two basic concepts:
Concept 1: Full Treatment
Water is treated exclusively by ozone thereby eliminating chlorine totally. SENOZONE offers high power generators MZ04 to MZ12.
Concept 2: Mere sterilization of treated water
Water is treated using conventional methods and ozone is merely utilized to sterilize the treated water as the last step: SENOZONE offers the MZ01 to MZ04 models for this purpose. Many South India Mineral Water plants are proud users of a Megazon Generator Model MZ01 to MZ04.
One single Megazon Ozone Generator can be used to inject ozone in the raw water as well as in the final water. The division is done using two ventury nozzles.
Municipal Water Plants
Municipal water often contains large amounts of organic load which serve as a nutrient for bacteria and with which halogens such as chlorine combine to form carcinogenic haloforms.
Ozone reduces such organic load to harmless ashes which can be easily filtered out.However pure source of water might be, only ozonation can remove bacteria, viruses, cysts, algae, fungi and oxidize nitrogenous matter in the water making it sparkling, safe and tasty.
Ozone will remove excess Iron and Manganese.
More importantly, ozone will effectively destroy bacteria and inactivate virus more rapidly than any other disinfectant chemical. Ozone is used to oxidize heavy metals. Iron and manganese can be reduced to safe levels in water supplies through ozone oxidation. This same process is used to liberate organically bound heavy metals, which are otherwise not easily removed.
Ozone is able to provide a total disinfection in a minimal time, and simultaneously reduce the chlorine demand of the water, thereby reducing the formation of halogenated by-products which would have resulted from chlorine-based treatment, in cases where a large distribution network still requires a slight chlorination for its protection from re-infection in the piping network.
Drinking Ozonated water ensures removal of all water born diseases including those resistant to heavy chlorination.(Eg. Legionnaire disease)
More about "Dangers of Chlorine"