

At Arnish Laborates our vision is to create a market - driven, self realized, globalized chemical company based on the pursuit of continuous innovation and responsible care.

Arnish Laborates has been manufacturing and marketing wide range of Laboratory Reagents - High Purity Inorganic Metal Salts, High Purity Solvents - Fine Chemicals -Specialty Dyes - Intermediates - Pharma Intermediates - and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients.

Arnish Laborates have entered in Laboratory Chemicals field after serving this industry for more than 4 decades as a distributor now introducing as a manufacturer of wide range of products used in Laboratory as well as R & D Testing Labs.

Products & Services

Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.

Alizarin Complexone * Aluminium Ammonium Sulphate * Aluminium Stearate * Antimony Potassium Tartarate * Barium Acetate * Basic Plating Chemicals * Biological Stains And Ph Indicators * Bismuth Nitrate * Brass Plating Chemicals * Bromocresol Purple * Cadmium Plating Chemicals * Calcium Pyruvate * Calcon Carboxylic Acid * Calmagite * Chemicals For Plating On Plastics * Chromate Conversion Coating Chemicals * Chrome Plating Chemicals * Copper Plating Chemicals * Electro Less Nickel Chemicals * Electro Polishing Chemicals * Electroplating Chemical * Electroplating Chemicals * Electropolishing Chemical * Eosin Blue * Gold Plating Chemicals * Nickel Plating Chemicals * Organic Protective Coating Chemicals * Phenolphthalein * Plating Chemical * Plating Chemicals * Resorcinol * Silver Plating Chemicals * Tin Plating Chemicals * Zinc Plating Chemicals * Metal Finishing (Plating Chemicals) * Electroplating (Plating Chemicals) * Galvanization Chemical * Chemical (Plating Chemicals)