Products & Services

Ft Ir Spectrophotometers
Two detectors are installed as standard. The combination of the standard automatic sample stage and IQ Mapping function allows multi area mapping and IR imaging of specific area with highest spectral Resolution.
Linear Array system with highest speed. Measurement in NIR and Mid IR region with optimized detectors. Dynamic imaging of samples with both conventional rapid scan and step-scan technologies IQ Mapping Full IR Imaging function Up to four objectives Wide area mapping and multi-ATR imaging Multivariate analysis PCA (Principal Component Analysis) (standard)..

Multi Channel Array Ftir Microscope
Two detectors are installed as standard. The combination of the standard automatic sample stage and IQ Mapping function allows multi area mapping and IR imaging of specific area with highest spectral Resolution.
Linear Array system with highest speed. Measurement in NIR and Mid IR region with optimized detectors. Dynamic imaging of samples with both conventional rapid scan and step-scan technologies IQ Mapping Full IR Imaging function Up to four objectives Wide area mapping and multi-ATR imaging Multivariate analysis PCA (Principal Component Analysis) (standard)..

Flourescence Spectrophotometers
Designed with the latest technology, the JASCO FP-8000 Series fluorescence spectrofluorometers incorporate the highest sensitivity, fastest spectral scanning capability and excellent analysis-oriented functionality offering integrated solutions for advanced materials research and biochemical analysis applications.
Optional plate reader with full scanning capability and temperature control now available.

Automatic Digital Polarimeters
Jasco’s vast experience in Polarimeters is unchallengeable. The latest P-2000 series polarimeters are designed as a customizable,multi option systems for full range of applications. By suitable combinations of optical components and filters the measurements can be performed at wide range of analytical wavelengths from UV-Vis to NIR.
* Dedicated Key Board operative dedicated as well as Spectra Manger
software base models are available.
* No need to compromise for low cost Halogen lamp.
* Sharp and accurate measurements are possible with high energy Sodium lamp at single pulse wavelength of 589.6nm .
* High response of 6 deg per Second and Resolution of 0.0001 Deg. readability makes P-2000 Polarimeter absolutely unbeatable in specifications.
* CFR version software makes it possible to meet US FDA requirements.
* Peltier Temp.control sample measurements make P-2000 absolutely versatile in all kinds of applications.Even non-aqueous samples can be anlysed with reliability.
* Validation and GMP/GLP functions are available
* Spectra Manager™ and Spectra Manager-CFR™

Circular Dichroism Polarimeters

Raman Spectrometer
The performance and functions expected on a micro-Raman spectrometer are all provided with the NRS-5000/7000 series Raman systems, assuring consistent performance for rapid acquisition of high quality data with automated system control and minimal optical adjustments.
For application expansion, an automated multi-grating turret, up to 2 detectors and a maximum of 8 lasers ranging from the UV through the NIR are capable of integration with the instrument system, all optical components are PC controlled for maximum flexibility with minimum user interaction