Products & Services

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Reverse Osmosis Chemicals

Reverse osmosis chemicals to improve the performance of your reverse osmosis system’s membranes.
Reverse osmosis (RO) membrane performance can be negatively impacted by impurities that build up on the membrane surface during operations. Suspended solids, microorganisms and mineral scale can foul membrane elements. These deposits can cause loss in output and/or rejection levels and reduce total system performance.

The membrane separation process utilizes a high-pressure feed to force water through a semi-permeable barrier. As the water passes through the membrane, contaminates are rejected and eventually flushed to the waste stream. The concentration of the contaminants is crucial to determine the design and operation of the membrane system. During normal operations, membranes can become fouled by colloidal material, inorganic oxides, biological matter, and scaling salts.

Fouling involves the entrapment of material in the feed water or deposits on the membrane surface. These deposits can accrue until they cause a reduction in flow, increase in feed pressure requirements, loss of salt rejection, or all three.

SAI TREAT membrane chemical's products are formulated to treat a wide variety of commercial reverse osmosis (RO) systems, nanofiltration (NF), and ultrafiltration (UF) systems.

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Boiler Water Treatment Chemical

The treatment of water for steam generation is one of the most significant branches of water chemistry. Industries use steam, either in the process or generating power. Generation of steam is energy intensive and costly, therefore efficient production and utilization of steam is a prerequisite to keep over all cost of production down. Strategy for the boiler water treatment should be to use the boiler that operates with the highest efficiency for the longest possible time
Boiler water should be treated properly to prevent pitting/corrosion, scaling and carryover even hot blast of tubes. Using some of the specific result oriented additives can prevent these problems to facilitate fast, safe & reliable steam generation.

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Cooling Water Treatment

The Primary objective of cooling water treatment is to facilitate easy heat rejection and minimize water consumption. Cooling involves the transfer of heat (Btu’s Kcal/Kg) from one substance to another. The substance that loses heat is said to be cooled, and the one that receives the heat is referred to as the coolant.
Cooling water for the industries if untreated cause several problem i.e. corrosion, scaling, fouling & microbiological growth in cooling towers, condensers, coolers and other parts, resulting in production loss, equipments failure and breakdowns. 

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Descaling Or Cleaning Chemicals

Descaling/Chemical cleaning is more effective as the removal of inorganic and organic foulants from process lines, equipments, surface etc. Cleaning should be combination of three elements i.e. Solvents (acid, alkali, surfactant), Fluid velocity (stirring, spraying, agitation, air rumbling and steam addition etc) Heat (hot water or hot surface). Cleaning is divided into two categories : pre operational cleaning and routine maintenance cleaning.

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Fuel Additive Or Fire Side Chemicals

Sai Treat fuel additives/fireside is designed keeping in mind typical fuel oil related problems and overall improvement in fuel economy. Use of SAI-TREAT fuel additives insures reduction in oil sludge, prevention of corrosion in oil storage tank, pipelines and an objective of cleaner environment. 
Sai Treat fuel additives also help to improve overall combustion improvement by reduction in soot and clinker formation as well as stack temperature. Fireside chemicals contain silicate based combustion catalyst, slag modifiers, corrosion inhibitors and dust suppressants that help overall combustion resulting in better system performance.

Alkaline Water Purifier * Boiler Water Treatment Chemical * Cooling Water Treatment * D. M. Machinery * Deionzer * Descaling Or Cleaning Chemicals * Electro Deionzation * F. R. P. Tanks * Fibre Glass Top Mounted Sand Filters * Fireside Chemicals * Fuel Additive Chemicals * Fuel Additive Or Fire Side Chemicals * Hand Held Colori Meters * Hand Held P. H. Conductivity Tds And O. R. P. Testers * Magnetic Mini Stirrers * Mini Controllers For P. H. Conductivity And T. D. S * Multi Parameter Photimeter For Lab * O. R. P. Conductivity T. D. S. Sodium Chloride Dissolved Oxygen Solution * Ozonation * P. H. And O. R. P. Controller And Pump * Packaged Effluent Treatment Plant * Pocket Thermometer * Pool Basin Items * Pool Brush * Pool Cleaning Equipments * Pool Pumps * Pool Side Ladders * Portable P. H. Meters * Portable Photo Meter * R. O. Machinery * R. O. System * Reverse Osmosis Chemicals * Reverse Osmosis System * Sand And Carbon Filter * Sewage Treatment Machinery * Sewage Treatment Plant * Softener * Suction Hose * Suction Sweeper * Swimming Pool Products * Test Kits * Turbidity Meter * U. V. Sterilizer * U. V. Sterilizers * U. V. Filters * Ultra Filtration Systems * Ultra Violet Purifiers * Underwater Lights * Waste Water Treatment * Waste Water Treatment Machinery * Water Purifer Models * Water Softeners * Water Treatment Components * Water Treatment Machinery * D. M. Plants * Water Treatment Plants * Sewage Treatment Plants * R. O. Plants * Waste Water Treatment Plant * Waste Water Treatment Equipment * Water (Water Treatment Plants) * Water (Water Treatment Machinery) * Water Treatment Equipments