Ultrasonic Sensors
[AG Echo] Ultrasonic level sensors measure the distance or presence of target objects by sending a pulsed ultrasound wave at the object and then measuring the time for the sound echo to return. Knowing the speed of sound, the sensor can determine the distance of the object.
[AG Echo] Ultrasonic level sensor module provides range detection and ranging from 200mm to XXXX mm (where XXXX = 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000), in a PVC housing. It is designed for indoor and outdoor use. The sensor provides sonar range information with high resolution. There are multiple sensor options available to the user. The users should clearly specify what options are required in their application. The table I below shows the various types of sensor options that are available. The signal lines TX, RX and TRG/OUT can be configured in various possible combinations as shown in the table I. It should be noted that +12VDC and GND are common in all cases. The user is cautioned to only specify the options that are really necessary, because multiple options increase the sensor cost. User specified options not mentioned in table I can be considered for bulk orders.
The controller is a general‐purpose ultrasonic level controller that provides the end user the ability to control up to three unique devices (pumps, valves and/or alarms) through three relays, namely – Relay1 (DPDT, 2 form C), Relay2 (SPDT, 1 form C) and Relay3 (SPDT, 1 form C). The controller uses three push-buttons, SET, UP and DOWN for configuring the relay operation(s). All of the relays can be used for controlling valves, pumps or alarms.
[AG Echo] Ultrasonic level sensor which provides accurate range detection, automatic calibration and adaptive noise cancellation in software provide reliable and record measurement. All sensor used 4- stage op-amp based low noise amplifier, second order narrow band pass filter, peak-detector and low-pass filter circuit for detecting even the weakest of the reflected sonar signals. Various output options like pulses width, serial analogue 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 5 Volt etc. are available. Interface circuit options provide RS 232, 4 to 20 mA loop, 0 to 5 V DC, buzzer/relay and seven segment LED display. Accessories like mounting bracket rubber washer/nut faster etc. provide quick design and installation support