Vacuum De Watering For Road And Industrial Floors
The company had vast experience in handling various concrete processing equipment and based on the concept to maintain close water cement ratio in newly laid concrete, launched its 1st indigenous concrete vacuum de-watering system and by using its self developed equipment executed the industrial flooring project of M/s Subros Ltd., Noida (UP), M/s JK Tyres Ltd. Bamore (MP) and M/s YKK Ltd. Bawal (HR), Way back in 1995. The company is having experience in construction of Rigid Pavement for City Road, Flyovers, Bridge and Underpass, have Technical Knowhow, Experience, Plant / Machinery and Work Force to Plan, Design and Execute any similar construction contract in India. The company have successfully executed number of such projects in set time period. Our clients include various reputed concern in Govt / Semi Govt and Private Sector as IOCL, RAILWAYS, DMRC, CPWD, PWD, MES, CONCOR etc.