Products & Services

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Auto Mains Failure Panel

Key Feature & Benefits

Compact Modular design easy on site replacement of front accessible sub-modules.

LED indications and alarms for easy identifications

DG Health Checkup (Automatic Periodic Test)

Monitoring of EB & DG contactor fail.

Our system ensures safety in both the modes.

Measurement of Voltage, Current & Frequency.

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Power Management Unit

Key Feature & Benefits

90-300V L-N (155-520 V L-L) Wide Range Input

Output 220 V +/- 5/10% through Static stabilizer (Tr<400V/us).

Detailed Display system using 20 x 4 LCD, 3 x 3 Seven Segment and LEDs

Inbuilt AMF/Transfer Switch for any make of DG set.

DG protection and exhaustive parameter settings options

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Infra Monitoring System

VNT Remote Monitoring System is a smart microprocessor based system and consists of Modular Systems and GPRS/GSM Modem. It is used to remotely monitor the telecom sites Modular systems i.e. Shelter Master Unit act as Master Unit and Collects all the data from DG Unit, Fire Alarm Panel, AC Controller etc. and sends it to a remote server via GPRS/GSM Modem. All the settings and configuration of Modular systems and Modem are independent and to be done from remote server. Modular systems are proposed for this application so that wiring and installation work is eased at site and based upon the site requirements these modules can be selected.


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Free Cooling Unit

The main objective of free cooling is to reduce Aircon run time and save electricity cost at the Telecom sites. The free cooling system uses the ambient temperature to cool the Telecom shelter by sensing the shelter temperature and the ambient temperature differential. The free cooling system also operates in case of emergency due to Aircon failure or Mains fail by any other reason leading to persistent high temperature of more than 40 degree C inside the Telecom sites.


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L. T Metering Panel

Custom built LT EB Metering Panel suitable for both indoor & outdoor type suitable for Telecom applications.Our state of art design enables significant saving of space and installation materials giving saving in CAPEX and OPEX.


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Conventional Fire Detection System

Conventional systems are the older type of fire alarm systems.The detector communicates with the fire alarm control panel simply by changing state from high impedance to low impedance when smoke is detected.Smoke detectors are typically wired together up to 32 detectors on each zone and a single fire alarm control panel can usually monitor a number of zones which can be arranged to correspond to different areas of a building.In the event of a fire, the fire alarm control panel is able to identify which zone contains the detector or detectors in alarm, but it�s not able to identify which individual detector or detectors is in an alarm state.


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Addressable Fire Detection System

A fire alarm system is number of devices working together to detect and alert people through visual and audio appliances when smoke/fire is present. These alarms may be activated from smoke detectors and heat detectors. Analog addressable Fire Detection devices are individually identified with an address (number) on a loop of wiring. The control panel communicates with each device in turn and each device reports back with an analog value based upon how much smoke or heat is present. The control panel, not the detector, then makes the decision to sound the alarm system. With an intelligent system, if a fire is detected, its position can be pin-pointed because each device has its own unique address which means its exact location can be found quickly.


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Vesda Fire Detection Systems

VESDA by Xtralis very early warning aspirating smoke detection solutions with continuous air sampling provide the earliest possible warning of an impending fire hazard. VESDA aspirating smoke detectors buy the critical time needed to investigate an alarm and initiate an appropriate response to prevent injury, property damage or business disruption. VESDA detectors have multi level warnings and a wide range of sensitivity that does not degrade or change over time, so even minute levels of smoke can be detected before a fire has time to escalate.VESDA early warning detectors are available in a variety of models to accommodate a broad range of environments and applications.From small to very large,open spaces and from the cleanest to the dirtiest environments,VESDA multi level detection provides reliable, high sensitivity,very early warning smoke detection.


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External Lightning Protection System (Conventional And Franklin R.O.D)

VNT Provides complete range of DEHN+SOHNE product / components for external lightning protection as per IEC 62305 standards and equipontitial bonding made of Galvanized steel, Aluminimum alloys, Copper.Passive Lightning protection product range includes products for protecting building from mechanical destruction caused by lightning effects and the associated risk of fire


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External Lightning Protection System (Advance And Active La Based On E.S.E Principle)

VNT provides complete range of ONAY PARATONER based advance Lightning Arreters which are used to protect infrastructure against direct lightning strikes.Active Lightning arresters are based on Early Streamer Emission (ESE) principle and sends upward streamer of charges just before the lightning strikes hence attract it and safely provide it to ground / Earth.


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Array Junction Box And Combiner Box

Array Junction Box allows several photovoltaic strings (from 8 to 24) to be connected in parallel and provide one combined output. The total DC power is then distributed to the photovoltaic inverter.It includes photovoltaic string protection, overvoltage protection and a DC output switch disconnector. These are well adapted for large scale MW power plants as well as rooftop installation.


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String Combiner Box With Monitoring

VNT Wireless String Combiner Boxes are ideal for MW scale land-based Solar Photo-Voltaic (PV) applications and systems these devices are used to combine the photovoltaic string along with the monitoring of each string.The individual string currents are accurately measured through �Shunt Based Technology�. Any mismatch is promptly detected by the system supervisor and communicated to the inverter to allow for quick identification of any fault of the solar panels. All String Combiner Boxes include surge protection with removable elements as well as fuse protection for each couple of string channels. It is available with an optional fully-integrated Dc Switch, Fuse and Remote controlled DC disconnects function.


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A.C Distribution Box

AC Distribution Panel plays an important role in Solar PV Systems. VNT offers AC Distribution panel that are pre-wired with surge protection devices, Disconnector, MCBs for Distribution.AC Distribution Panel is designed to pool the power from Solar PV Plant. The Output of the panel is connected to the utility feeder. The Panel is installed in the Outdoor/ Indoor so it should have IP protection as required.VNT produce wide range of customized AC panel suitable for different KW rating of the PV system.


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Maintanence Free Earthing

VNT Provide maintenance free earthing solution which is highly reliable and provide safe dissipation of energy. Earthing solution includes grounding rods, ground enhancement material and its accessories.In a grounding system, the ground electrode provides the physical connection to the earth and is the instrument used to dissipate current into it.

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Safety Equipments

VNT provide complete range of DEHN safety equipment to ensure human safety.DEHN+SOHNE produce more than 3500 devices and components to assure safety. DEHN product protects human lives and material assets with complete range safety equipment


A. C Distribution Box * Addressable Fire Detection System * Array Junction Box And Combiner Box * Auto Mains Failure Panel * Conventional Fire Detection System * External Lightning Protection System (Advance And Active La Based On E. S. E Principle) * External Lightning Protection System (Conventional And Franklin R. O. D) * Fire Detection System * Free Cooling Unit * Infra Monitoring System * L. T Metering Panel * Maintanence Free Earthing * Power Management Unit * Products * Safety Equipments * String Combiner Box With Monitoring * Vesda Fire Detection Systems * High Pressure Water Mist Systems * Gas Extinguishing Systems * Fire Fighting Systems * Fire Fighting Pumps * Fire Protection System * Fire Detection Systems