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Cotmagic Slub Attachment

It needs a magician to make the miracle happen. Technological enhancements like Cotmagic produce visual effects in yarm to achieve aesthetic & equally artistic production. But it certainly needs much more than a sheer touch of magic to get such a consistent world class results and this is where Cotmagic expertise through precise application of motion control techniques comes to the fore. Cotmagic fancy yarn attachment for ring spinning machines. By making optimum use of latest motion control technology, it varies the drafting speed precisely and produces exactly what is needed.

Air Consumption * Aprons * Bobbin Transporting System * Borgosesia Rings * Center To Center * Comprises Cots * Conveyor Belts * Cot Grinding Machine * Cotmagic Slub Attachment * Cots * Display * Double Compact System * Eccentricity Taper And Tester * Flock Clearer Roller Cleaning Machine * Humidification And Dehumidification * Industrial Vacuum Cleaners * Led Flat Panel * Led Highbay Light * Led Street Light * Led Tube Light * Metal And Spark Diversion Systems * Overhead Travelling Cleaner * Planetary Gearbox * Power Transmission Belts * Products * Silver Can * Spindle Oil Maintenance Machine * Spindle Tapes * Testing Instruments * Top Roller De Greasing Machine * Tube Loader * Uv Top Roller Treatment Machine * Waste Collection Systems * Yarn Conditioning Systems * Yarn Cutter
