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  • We Introduced Ourselves, As One Of Leading Manufacturer Of Frp Induced Draft Counter Flow Cooling Tower, in Single And Multi cell. Since Last 12 years We Are In the Market And HaveSupplied Cooling Towers To many Big Industries In India. We Are In Exports Too, We Have Exported Our Cooling Towers To Many Countries Like Dubai, Iran, Ssilanka, Bangladesh, south Africa, Yeman Etc.

    Some Of Our Reputed Clients Are M/S. Ordance Factory, Indian Rail, Coach Factory, M/s. Reliance Energyg
    ( bsec ltd.) Larsen & Turbo Ltd., Nicholas Pharma Ltd., Hindustan Lever Ltd. & Mantralaya (mah. Government).

    Since The Beginning The Company has Continously developed Cooling Equipment To Fulfil Customers Needs. Our Guding Principle Has been the desire to make simple system with proper Design, Ecellent Manufacturing, Straigent Quality control. And skilled Installation we have our own manufacturing and administration unit in Thane with good set up,facilities. Based on regular market feedback, existing products are improved and new product are designed. The company spends about 2 % of its turnover on product development work.

    Our activities include servicing, Installation and commissioning of coling Tower spares.

    Cooling Tower helps to improve your productivity and profeciency yet when we started operations over a decade ago, the situation was not very favorably in india. cooling tower was almostnil, and the market was very small. But our determined efforts had help to create the market, slowly but surely.

Happy Clients and lots more year ahead will be added.

Projects of unsurpassed products and services to the clients.

Support To embrace new technologies and methods.

Hard Workers provide high quality service to customers.

Cooling Towers * Frp Cooling Towers * Frp (Cooling Towers Mfgrs. ) * Cooling (Cooling Towers Mfgrs. ) * Plastic Fabrications (Cooling Towers Mfgrs. )