

Established in 1976, Shrijee is one of the world’s leading suppliers of turnkey sugar factories, turnkey sugar refineries and sugar based ethanol plants. Shrijee also supplies sugarcane farming equipments, solar structures and wind ventilators.

Quality Assurance

For consistency of and adherence to quality control systems a quality manual is prepared and distributed to all persons concerned. This quality control Manual describes the system adopted at "SHRIJEE" for the Design, Manufacture, Assembly, and Testing.

In process Control

For in process control before start of manufacture, a quality plan is prepared for each job received and issued to all concerned. Shop Instruction sheets give detailed instruction/ acceptance norms for the shop supervisors/ inspectors. Welding control is exercised as stipulated in the Quality Control Manual. Welding quality is very closely monitored by welding Engineers. All pressure parts joints are stamped by the welders for identification.

For any new process of manufacturing to be used, the process is tried out on mock-up. Manufacturing, Engineering and Quality Control set up the parameters for process before starting the job.

Calibration of Measuring Instruments

All measuring instruments are calibrated using gauges/instruments whose accuracy is traceable to National standard. Pressure gauges are calibrated with the dead weight tester every three months.

Testing Facilities

“Shrijee” Test House has all the facilities that are needed to fulfill the codes requirements. Facilities for non-destructive testing, mechanical testing & chemical composition partially available at this shop and for remaining different outside agency have been employed.

Raw Materials Control

All raw materials are received with manufacturer's Test reports indicating the physical / chemical properties and other specific requirements as per the code. The test reports are verified for compliance with the code and purchase order. Random check tests are carried our and recorded on the goods received note.

Field Assembly

Field Assembly meets quality Requirement as per technical requirements of the contract. The site QC Engineer supervises the Field Assembly/ Construction work for quality requirements.

All the welding is carried out in accordance with approved WPS by qualified welders. The site QC Engineer inspects the welding done at site.

Shipping Inspection

All products are checked by QC for painting, identification marking and proper protection and for compliance with special requirements of the contract if any.

Products & Services

Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.

Agricultural Implements * Agricultural Machinery * Agricultural Sprayers * Agricultural Tools * Backpack Sprayers * Bagacillo Tumbler * Bagasse Fired Boiler * Batch Typefully Automatic Centrifugal Machine * Centrifugals Machines * Chaff Cutter * Continuous Type Centrifugal Machine * Continuous Vacuum Pan * Cultivating Machinery * Direct Contact Heaters * Double Pass Evaporator * Dual Continuous Vacuum Pan * Duplex Heat Exchangers * Evaporators * Falling Film Evaporator * Farm Machinery * Filtrate Clarification System * Fluidized Bed Dryer * Grain Cleaners * Gravity Separator * Harvesting Machinery * Hulling Machinery * Radial Flow Evaporator * Rapid Boiling Pan * Rotary Sugar Dryers * Short Retention Time Clarifier * Sprinklers Machinery * Steam Transformer * Steam Turbine * Sugar Drying Equipment * Sugar Mill Machinery * Sugar Process House * Surface Condenser * Syrup Clarification System * Vacuum Pans