       List of our machines
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Range Of Products
V Blender
Tray Dryer Vertical Model
Sterile Double Cone Blender
Rotocone Vacuum Dryer
Portable Stirrer
Octagonal Blender
Mass Mixers
Fluid Bed Dryer Pilot Plants
Filter Press
Double Cone Blender
24 Tray Dryer
Vacuum Tray Dryer 36 Tray
Vacuum Tray Dryer 96 Trays
Vacuum Tray Dryer Pilot Plant
Vertical Multi Mills
I.V. Infusioninjectable Section Machines
Tablet Section Machineries
Liquid Orals Section Machineries
Oinment Section Machineries
Non Sterile Bulk Drugs Machineries
Sterile Bulk Drugs Machineries
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OLEYA EQUIPMENTS was preceded by activities in the style of OLEYA EQUIPMENTS Works which was established in the year 1978. It was promoted by a group of technically qualified and experienced persons from traditional metal processing families. The goal of the associates was to pool their technical and financial resources to provide an alternative to the then established brands of pharmaceutical machinery manufacturers.

Due to traditionally acquired skills of fabrication, hardwork, good workmanship and fast deliveries, the firm got well-established amongst the pharmaceutical and food industry machinery manufacturers.

Soon the range of products manufactured also increased but due to lack of organized sales and marketing set-up, most of the sale was routed through established manufacturers and marketiers in the first decade of production.

In the second decade of operation, the firm entered the export market especially in East African countries, for turn-key projects for various pharmaceutical dosage forms. 

In the Indian market also, the firm was able to establish steady and loyal client base but major sale was still through third parties.


To give our customers value for money by giving quality product, efficient delivery and satisfactory after sales servive at reasonable price.


To put the best efforts in conceptualising, designing and manufacturing of Mevish products, to meet the customers requirements whether specified or implied or expected from us, for ease in operating, maintaining and cleaning in adherence to current good manufacturing practices (cGMP).

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Oleya Equipments
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