Copper Cyanide
We manufacture high quality of Copper Cyanide – cu-70% in accordance with the international quality. The chemical formula for Copper Cyanide is CuCN which is known for its effectiveness, reliability and corrosion resistant features. It is available in white to cream colored or sometimes greenish powdery solid that is insoluble in water. Copper Cyanide is a poison that that reacts violently with magnesium. When heated to decomposition, it emits very toxic fumes containing hydrogen cyanide, but it is not flammable itself.
We also offer Cuprous Cyanide that is used as a catalyst in polymerizations, in electroplating of copper and iron, and as insecticide, fungicide, and biocide in marine paints. One of our pure inorganic compounds, sodium cyanide NaCN is widely used in gold mining. Cuprous Cyanide is commercially available at the leading market place.