Products & Services

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Copper Chloride

Appearance Blue-Green Solid
Formula CuCL2 2H20
CAS NO 10125-13-0
Molecular Weight 170.48 g/mol.
Assay Min 99%
Sulphate 0.05%
Iron 0.05%
Application Catalysts, metallurgy, wood preservation
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Copper Carbonate

Appearance Green Powder
Formula CuCO3.Cu (OH) 2 H2O
CAS NO 12069-69-1
Molecular Weight 239.10 g/mol.
Assay 55% Copper
Chloride 0.03%
Iron 0.02%
Application As seed treatment, fungicide, paint and varnish pigments, animal and poultry feeds
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Copper Acetate

Appearance Dark green crystalline solid
Formula (CH3COO) 2Cu.H2O
CAS NO 6046-93-1
Molecular Weight 199.65 g/mol.
Assay Min 98%
Chloride 0.05%
Iron 0.03%
Application Fungicide, Textile dyeing, Pigments for ceramics, paints
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Copper Sulphate

Appearance Blue
Formula CuSO4 5H2O
CAS NO 7758-99-8
Molecular Weight 2479.68 g/mol.
Assay Min 99%
Chloride 0.05%
Iron 0.05%
Application Animal feed additive, preservative leather, copper plating reagent, manufacture of mirrors, soil nutrients, synthesis of radiators
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Copper Nitrate

Appearance Blue Crystals
Formula Cu (NO3)2.3H20
CAS NO 6046-93-1
Molecular Weight 241.60 g/mol.
Assay Min 98%
Chloride 0.05%
Iron 0.05%
Application Electroplating, dyeing, textiles, light sensitive reproductive papers, ceramics, catalysts
Basic Plating Chemicals * Bismuth * Bismuth Chloride * Bismuth Nitrate * Bismuth Subnitrate * Brass Plating Chemicals * Cadmium Plating Chemicals * Chemicals For Plating On Plastics * Chromate Conversion Coating Chemicals * Chrome Plating Chemicals * Chromium * Chromium Acetate * Chromium Chloride * Chromium Compound * Chromium Fluoride * Chromium Formate * Chromium Nitrate * Cobalt * Cobalt Acetate * Cobalt Carbonate * Cobalt Chloride * Cobalt Compound * Cobalt Nitrate * Cobalt Oxide * Cobalt Sulfate * Copper * Copper Acetate * Copper Carbonate * Copper Chloride * Copper Compound * Copper Nitrate * Copper Plating Chemicals * Copper Sulphate * Electro Less Nickel Chemicals * Electro Polishing Chemicals * Electroplating Chemical * Electroplating Chemicals * Electropolishing Chemical * Galvanization Chemical * Gold Plating Chemicals * Mercuric Compound * Nickel * Nickel Acetate * Nickel Carbonate * Nickel Chloride * Nickel Compound * Nickel Nitrate * Nickel Oxide * Nickel Plating Chemicals * Nickel Sulfate * Organic Protective Coating Chemicals * Phospho Tungstic Acid * Plating Chemical * Plating Chemicals * Potassium Stannate * Selenium * Selenium Dioxide * Selenous Acid * Silver * Silver Chloride * Silver Nitrate * Silver Oxide * Silver Plating Chemicals * Silver Sulfate * Sodium Selenate * Sodium Selenite * Sodium Stannate * Sodium Tungstate * Stannic Chloride * Stannic Oxide * Stannous Chloride * Stannous Oxide * Stannous Sulfate * Tin * Tin Compound * Tin Plating Chemicals * Tungsten * Tungsten Compound * Tungstic Acid * Zinc * Zinc Acetate * Zinc Borate * Zinc Chloride * Zinc Compound * Zinc Nitrate * Zinc Oxide * Zinc Phosphate * Zinc Plating Chemicals * Zinc Sulphate * Metal Finishing (Plating Chemicals) * Electroplating (Plating Chemicals) * Chemical (Plating Chemicals)