

HBL Power Systems Ltd is a listed Indian company, in business since 1977, with a focus on engineered products and services.

Our initial business strategy was to identify technology gaps in India that the company could fill by 'indigenous efforts'.

The first products selected and successfully developed were Aircraft batteries - eventually leading to HBL offering the worlds widest range of specialized batteries.

Our expertise in batteries generated opportunities and ideas to diversify. The company moved into new businesses and markets that utilise our batteries, such as industrial electronics, defense electronics, and railway electronic signaling.

Recent diversification, leveraging the companies engineering strengths, has led to new businesses in precision manufacturing, spun reinforced concrete and 'green' technology products.

Our success has been built serving some of the world's most demanding customers and applications. We would value your opportunity to serve your business.


Products & Services

Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.

Air Conditioning Unit * Battery * Battery Boxes For Rolling Stock * Battery Monitoring System * Battle Ready Batteries For Defence * Defense Projects * Earth Leakage Monitor * Electronic Interlock * Invamagic * Ksh For Engine Start * Lead Acid Battery * Lead X And Front Terminal Batteries * Ncfp Batteries * Ncsp For Railways * Products * Pure Lead Tin (Plt) Batteries For Ups And Data Centers * Rentar Fuel Catalyst * Rooftop Systems * Spun Concrete Piles * Spun Concrete Poles * Spun Concrete Telecom Towers * Spv Modules * Storage Battery * Submarine Batteries * Sujala Solar Pumps * Taurus Batteries For Railways * Taurus Batteries For Solar Photovoltaic * Taurus Industrial Batteries * Thermal Batteries * Thyristor Battery Charger * Triumph Tubular Gel Vrla Batteries For Solar Photovoltaic * Valve Regulated Pocket Plate Ventpro * Electrical Battery (Lead Acid Storage Battery)