We have designed this site to make you easier through instant access of information you need on Electroplating, surface finishing, process details and more. Please go through the pages and you may send your questions for your needs. We provide complete solution for finishing industry by the way of consultancy, project report, supply of chemicals, equipments, technical service and installation of new units for Nickel, zinc, copper, Non cyanide zinc, PCB, Gold, acid Tin, Mid and High Phosphorous Electro less Nickel, brass plating, organic coating, Antique finish. We also provide complete solution for your plating automation . We welcome you to visit our site which is built for you and let us know your suggestions in time. Visitors may submit technical papers related to surface finishing, environment, pollution control etc.. Suitable technical papers will be published in surfinetek.com. We have made a unique service of technical topics where all visitors can participate in technical discussion on finishing technology. We welcome all experts to participate in the technical discussion.
Products & Services
Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.