Orifice Assemblies
Orifice Plate with holding flanges nut bolts and gaskets are called orifice assembly. Flanges generally are of M.S. / C.S./304 S.S./ 316 S.S., nut bolts M.S. Galvanized, Gasket C.A.F. Other construction is possible & will be made against order. Flanges generally are of 4 types a) Weld Neck b) Slip-on c) Carrier Ring d) D & D/2 tappings or pipe run assembly. Pressure tappings are in flange itself in 1 st 3 types, while for D & D/2 they are on pipe. Assemblies supplied for 1½ “ to 24” Line sizes. Orifice bore calculations as per BS1042 on the basis of your given data is done & bore size is determined & made. Bore calculations are also provided alongwith instruments or can be sent for approval before manufacturing.