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Straight Jet Spray Nozzle

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Straight Jet Spray Nozzle


Compact straight jet with a defined jet length owing to optimum 
flow geometry.
Flow conditions are not affected by turbulence. A concentrated jet with
high impact force is achieved. This is used for powerful punctiform
impact, wherever concentrated jet power is vital.

Characteristic : A high efficiency and economical performance is obtained. 
Design : One Piece Construction.
Application : For High pressure cleaning systems, Jet Cutting and separating.
Features : Optimized flow maximum jet power concentrated energy.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Air Atomizing Spray Nozzle, Flat Spray Nozzle, Full Cone Spray Nozzle, General Engineering And Accessories, Hollow Cone Spray Nozzle, Oil Burner Spray Nozzle, Steel Mill And Engineering Systems, Straight Jet Spray Nozzle, Tank Washing Spray Nozzle