Products & Services

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Demerara Sugar

“Demerara Sugar” takes its name from a place in Guyana (South America), where this specific type of large crystallized sugar first originated. This variety of sugar dates back to a long ago period and has recently made a strong comeback as people are choosing more nutritious options.Demerara is a golden colored natural sugar, blended with molasses, contains no additives, no preservatives and is also Sulphur free. The large sparkling crystals and crunchy texture gives delicious depth of flavor to coffees, hot cereals, cakes and desserts. Sprinkle a little of RAJSHREE DEMERARA SUGAR to get that extra sparkle and crunch!

RAJSHREE DEMERARA SUGAR is produced from cane grown using sustainable eco-friendly farming practice. With every purchase, you help improve the lives of thousands of small-scale farmers.


Bulk Packing – 50kg HDPE bag with polyliner inside.

Retail Packing – Available in 500g high quality plastic pouches with ziplock.

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Crystal White Sugar

Our white sugar is produced under the technical guidance of international sugar experts. As a result our sugar is crystal white, free flowing, devoid of additives and preservatives. Our natural crystal white sugar is untouched by hand, processed and packed with a fully automated packaging system.

CRYSTAL WHITE SUGAR is produced from cane grown using sustainable eco-friendly farming practice. With every purchase, you help improve the lives of thousands of small-scale farmers.

To cater to the needs of the farmers, Rajshree Sugars has 115 acres of land in each of its three sugar plants in South India that predominantly focuses on field oriented research and development. At Rajshree Sugars we manufacture S30 grade white sugar with a color value of about 100 ICUMSA.


Bulk Packing – 50kg PP bag with HDPE liner ( food grade).

Retail Packing – Available in high quality pouches for 200g, 500g, 1kg and 5kgs.

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White Sugar Sachets

Rajshree White Sugar Sachets have free flowing, odorless sugar, which is free from impurities. With Rajshree White Sugar Sachets enjoy the convenience of adding your favorite sweetener to your tea, coffee or dessert wherever you are. Once sachet lends the ideal sweetness needed for one cup of tea or coffee.

Rajshree White Sugar sachets are packed in high quality foodgrade polyposter & polyglassin paper. Sachets are available in 5gm rectangular packs and packed as:

5 gm sachet X 200 units = 1 kg polypouch X 10 units = 10 kg corrugated box.

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Demerara Sugar Sachets

Rajshree Demerara sachet contains 100% natural, golden color sugar, which retains the goodness of natural molasses making it an ideal sweetener. It is a healthier alternative than white sugar, since the mineral content is not eliminated during the refining process. The large sparkling crystals and crunchy texture gives delicious depth of flavor to coffee, hot cereals, cakes and desserts.

Rajshree Demerara sachets are packed in high quality foodgrade polyposter & polyglassin paper. Sachets are available in 5gm rectangular packs and packed as:

5 gm sachet X 200 units = 1 kg polypouch X 10 units = 10 kg corrugated box.

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Two Distilleries with total production capacity of 125 KLPD to produce Rectified Spirit, Extra Neutral Alcohol & Anhydrous Alcohol. While spent wash is being used for composting along with pressmud to produce Bio compost in Varadaraj Nagar Unit the same is being incinerated in Semmedu plant. In the both the plants we ensure zero effluent discharge besides converting it as organic fertilizer to enrich the soil.

The entire effluent generated from the plant is completely incinerated in the Incineration Boiler after concentrating in various stages viz., Integrated Evaporation, Flubex and Finisher from 15 brix to 60 brix. The concentrated spent wash is burnt in the spent wash fired Boiler and Coal is used as a supportive fuel for the same. The steam generated from this Boiler is used for power generation and the low pressure steam meets the complete power & steam requirement of distillery process.

Flue gas generated from the spent wash fired Boiler consists of fine particles, for which bag filter system had been installed to clean the flue gas which reduces the dust concentration and meets the norms set by the Tamilnadu Pollution Control Board i.e. 150 mg/NM3.

During the processing of concentrated spent wash, the condensate is separated which is highly acidic in nature and having high biological load. The same is being treated through Anaerobic Digester and Extended Aeration Tank followed by Clarifier and the same is used for molasses dilution in Fermentation process.

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Organic Manure

GreenPLUS is an organic manure originating from the aerobic solid state fermentation of sugar industry press mud using concentrated spent wash, a by-product of the distillery industry. The decomposition is enhanced by the usage of a microbial consortium consisting of fungi, bacteria and Actinomycetes. The aerobic microbes utilize the carbon in the raw materials and decompose the press mud which acts as the substrate for their growth and convert it into a superior quality organic manure that can be used for agricultural purposes. The manufacture utilizes a unique machine called the Aerotiller that agitates, aerates and shreds the press mud thus fastening the process of decomposition to 13 weeks.


One Ton of GreenPLUS can replace 10 tons of conventional manures such as farm yard manure
Unlike conventional manures, Green PLUS is free from weed seeds, pests and plant pathogens making it a very safe agricultural input
Apart from a high organic matter content of up to 45%, GreenPLUS also supplies essential plant hormones that help in vegetative and reproductive growth of the plants
GreenPLUS increases the water holding capacity of the soil thus reducing water usage and maximizes the effects of fertilizers and other plant growth promoters
GreenPLUS has the most balanced C:N ratio of 10-15:1
The manufacturing process is ISO 9001:2000 certified
GreenPLUS is certified by Control Union, for use in organic agriculture
GreenPLUS is suitable for all types of crops and soil

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Green Power

Three Cogeneration plants with High Pressure Boilers & Extraction cum condensing Turbines which Generates 57.5 MW of Green Power and exports 41 MW of power to the TANGEDCO grid. 20.5 MW/Hr Cogeneration plant with 110 Ata 545 deg.C High pressure Boiler with triple extraction cum condensing Turbine.

Flue gas generated from the Boiler is passed through the Electro static precipitator which removes the dust particles from the flue gas and after ESP, the flue gas is being let out through a chimney of 90 mtr height. This emission meets the norms set by the Tamilnadu Pollution Control Board.

Apart from the above, we are the first one to introduce an Air Cooled Condenser in Cogeneration Plant in place of conventional surface condenser which is highly water intensive. Around 600 m3 per day of raw water is saved by installation of air cooled condenser.

A * Crystal White Sugar * Demerara Sugar * Demerara Sugar Sachets * Distillery * Green Power * Organic Manure * Sugar Mills * White Sugar Sachets