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Para Nuclear Counter

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Para Nuclear Counter, Model PNC-1G is a micro controller based, economical, stand alone, portable mains operated instrument for Nuclear Counting application. It is a versatile instrument can be programmed as Preset Timer.

Model PNC-1G uses GM tube as nuclear radiation detector. Necessary electronics & high voltage supply are housed in the equipment. Coaxial cable with UHF connector connects the GM tube to Model PNC-1G.PNC-1G can store 1000 readings in a non-volatile memory. These readings can be downloaded to PC via USB interface. These readings can also be scanned on LCD display after the counting experiment.

PNC-1G is also equipped with special Plateau Mode. In this mode, HV is automatically increased in steps of 50 Volts. For each HV setting, average counts reading is stored in the memory. These readings are recalled to view them on LCD. User can transfer these readings to PC using data transfer software which will generate plateau graph indicating Plateau slope.

PNC-1G is ideally suited for Nuclear Experiments carried out in Universities and colleges. It is also useful for (Gamma / Beta) radiation counting for Health Physics applications in radioisotope laboratories, nuclear reactors, nuclear power plants, nuclear medicine centers etc. End window GM tube Model 712 or equivalent can be supplied along with a planchet holder as an accessory for Model PNC-1G. Any other End Window GM tube can also be supplied as an option. Appropriate GM tube is selected, depending upon the application.

Lead Shield with door assembly is available as optional accessory for low level counting applications. It houses the GM Tube and planchet holder. Shield dimensions are development on the selected GM Tube.

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