Products & Services

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Sample Preparation Unit

An important aspect for quality as well as for time saving concerning the analytic is the sample preparation. The Sample Preparation Unit 6300, a combination of the Smartline Assistant 6010 with the Smartline Pump 1000 (refer separate brochure) automates and minimizes the solid phase extraction process (SPE) in routine analysis and method development.

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Smartline H.P.L.C

Modern technology for high performance and practical design are prominent features of the Smartline series of HPLC instruments. Its thoughtful design not only conserves valuable bench space, but also allows the length of the capillaries between instruments to be kept to a minimum, resulting in a marked decrease in the dead volume of the complete HPLC system.

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Semi Micro Osmometer

The Semi-Micro Osmometer K-7400 measures the freezing point depression of liquids and it is based on the succesful predecessor model Type Dig. L The principle of total osmolality is to determine the osmolality of body fluids such as blood (serum) and urine. This is an essential routine process in clinics*, institutes, and universities. Osmolality describes the concentration of osmotic effective particles in solutions, independent from type, composition or electrical charge. The osmolality refers to the mass of the solution, meaning 1 kg of pure water.

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Vapor Pressure Osmometer

The Vapor Pressure Osmometer K-7000 from KNAUER is an advanced instrument from one of the pioneers in the field of osmometry with more than 40 years of experience. It stands out for its high performance, data quality and reliability.


Acid Purification Apparatus * Analytical Instruments * Aracus Amino Acid Analyzer * Digital Documentation System * Digital Lab Refractometers * Dual Channel Automated Flash Chromatography System * Fast And Efficient Separation * H. . P. T. L. C Densitometer C. D * Hardik * Minitoc And Unitoc * Powervap Concentrator * Pressurized Liquid Extraction * Products * Prospekt Polarimeter * Protein Analyser * Sample Preparation Unit * Semi Micro Osmometer * Smartline H. P. L. C * Speedwave Four * Speedwave Two * T. L. C Catalogue * Thermal Constants Analyser * Turboflash Combustion Technology * Ultra Pure Water System * Vapor Pressure Osmometer