Products & Services

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Cook and eat piping hot food leisurely! Jazz is food grade stainless steel casserole with locking lid. German machine and technology ensures uniform filling and rigid binding of polyurethane (PU) insulation ensuring temperature retention for longer duration. Bonjour designed JAZZ for domestic and outdoor catering as well as hotel and restaurant serving. The sturdy and tough bodied Jazz is available from 1 litre to 15 litre capacity.

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First time in India, a unique Air-Vent on the glass lid for regulating steam, prevents formation of water droplets that fall on chapatti, puri, idli ,dosa and papad making it soggy ! Food grade PU filled stainless steel body with see-through glass lids to peep mouth watering food, activate your appetite! Eat crispy! Bonjour’s Osim is available from 1.2 litre to 5 litre capacities. Also available in attractive sets for gifting! 

Cafe Airpot * Cool Musafir And Champion * Dreamliner * Food Food And Top Choice * Galaxy And Mezbaan * Hamara Chai * Houseware Products Mfgrs * Jazz * Magic * Mezbaan And Globus * Nano And Sterling * Osim * Princess And Esprit * Princess Platinum * Products * Seven Days * Swift Micra And Flori * Thermoware * Velencia * Casseroles * Plastic Stools * Water Jugs * Water Bottles * Vacuum Flasks * Plastic Chair * Plastics Household Items