Products & Services

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Centreless Grinding Wheels

Nandhi's range of resinoid and vitrified centreless grinding wheels is designed for versatility in grinding materials of different hardness and size.  They are used in the grinding of components in all automotive and Bearing industries. 

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Tool Room Grinding Wheels

Nandhi's range of vitrified tool room and surface grinding advantages are high material removal rate, dimensional accuracy, resulting in reduced cycle time and lower grinding costs. These wheels are used for Cylindrical and cutter grinding, tool and drill sharpening. 

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Off Hand Grinding Wheels

 Nandhi's vitrified offhand grinding wheels are use to grind a wide variety of materials while reducing overall grinding costs. These wheels are suitable for large castings and forgings. Our wheels are made of brown aluminum oxide and black silicon carbide Offhand grinding wheels can be used on portable grinding machines as well as bench and pedestal machines.

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Cylindrical Grinding Wheels

Nandhi's ranges of vitrified cylindrical grinding wheels are fast stock removal, fine finishing and reduced dressing frequency. These wheels are use in the grinding of valves, plunger pins, eye bolts, transmission shafts, bearing races etc. Type of grinding - roll grinding, thread and gear grinding, camshaft grinding and crankshaft grinding. 

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Crankshaft Grinding Wheels

Nandhi's range of vitrified crankshaft grinding wheels are micron surface finishes. Wheels can be made to operate up to 60m/sec, These type of wheels are ideal to grind shaft surfaces of different hardness with different grades for different application. 

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Roll Grinding Wheels

The Nandhi's roll grinding wheels are made of premium abrasive grain and premium bond. As a results it will give better cutting action and good surface finish. The rolls are made of forged steel and cast iron in this hardness our wheels will give high out put ratio. 

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Thread And Gear Grinding Wheels

Nandhi's range of thread and gear grinding wheels are high dimensional accuracy, wheels are having long life, it will reduced dressing frequency. High metal removal in grinding of gears components. This thread grinding will work in the (external thread) taps and rolls and also it will work (internal thread) gauges and dies. 

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Surface Crinding Wheels

Nandhi's range of surface grinding wheels having more variety in shapes and sizes. We have special bonding system for each shape and size. Our wheels are more effect on flat surface grinding and it will used to sharpen knives or blades, large mold surfaces. 

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Internal Grinding

Nandhi's range of internal grinding wheels for grinding the internal surfaces and it will give well finishes with accurate dimensioning. The work applications in the grinding of gears, bearings, inner rings, outer rings, steering nuts. 

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Saw Gumming Wheels

Nandhi's range of vitrified saw gumming wheels are face wheels, that are used in the sharpening of the teeth of different types of saw blades, our wheels are high life and high cut and no damage to the blade of the saw. 

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Rice Polishing Wheels

Nandhi's range of rice polishing wheels will minimise the breakage of rice. After polishing the rice, rice will get best whitening. The wheels are made of silicon carbide grains; both green and black with special bond system. 

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Depressed Centre Wheels

Nandhi's DC wheels are Specially formulated for the best performance for all irons This DC wheels are use to de-burring, removal of welding and rolling cracks and grooving. 

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Reinforced Cut Off Wheels

Nandhi's range of cut - off wheels will give high cutting. This wheels are using in Sheet metal cutting, pipe cutting, bar cutting and rail cutting etc 

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Snagging Wheels

Nandhi's Snagging wheels also called fettling wheels. Most used in foundry and steel industries. Available in all wide sizes and variety. 

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Mounted Points

Nandhi's Mounted Points are capable of giving good finishing, It will get into the places inaccessible to larger types of Grinding Wheels. 

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Horning Sticks

Nandhi's Honing is useful to grinding accurate finish is required in all internal dimensions. Shapes are Square, Rectangle or specially shaped sticks or blocks. 

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Straight And Taper Cup Wheels

Nandhi's cup grinding wheel contain white, brown, pink aluminum oxide, silicon carbide, zirconia oxide and SG etc. 

Abrasives Materials * Centreless Grinding Wheels * Crankshaft Grinding Wheels * Cylindrical Grinding Wheels * Depressed Centre Wheels * Grinding Material * Grinding Materials * Horning Sticks * Internal Grinding * Mounted Points * Off Hand Grinding Wheels * Reinforced Cut Off Wheels * Rice Polishing Wheels * Roll Grinding Wheels * Saw Gumming Wheels * Snagging Wheels * Straight And Taper Cup Wheels * Surface Crinding Wheels * Thread And Gear Grinding Wheels * Tool Room Grinding Wheels * Grinding Wheels